Since human kind started to walk on the earth, they have existed in art at different places. While the
problems in human life grows, they were reflected to different forms of art. In some periods these problems
include concepts like thinking, inquiring, comparing and etc. Some people who sought benefits from the situation
lived, tried to take along other people’s rights of inquiring and searching, and to manipulate them. In time these
problems that impede the development and lives of humans were tried to overcome by humans’ own achivements
or by other people who lead the way. The problems covering evaluations that existed with life and influenced art
caused the existence and evolution of critism. Critism that evaluates the piece of art according to its own merits,
has become a major branch of art itself. The influence of positive and negative critism on the artists also
influenced the other branches and development of art. Art movements that existed because of critism and the artist
who were critisized have played a very important role in the evolution of art. For this reason, critisim that
influenced art from the beginning to date integrated with art by maintaining its position. The content of this
dissertation covers headings like the starting stages and development of critism in the intellectual area, its
influence on various branches of art, critism methods and the merits that critics should possess. In addition, the
creation stages of artistic work have been explained. Examples of artists who were wrongly critisized in their
times were illustrated. Art movements that existed and evolved by the influence of critism were also covered in
the thesis.